Tag Archives: Conservative

Three Canadian political parties at a glance?

13 Feb

You probably recognize this 1939 British propaganda poster, issued at the start of World War II to keep up morale amidst the looming threat of invasion. It’s been enjoying a comeback in the last couple of years, both on the streets and internet meme-land.

Here’s a recent anti-protest spinoff in reaction to the 2011 riots  in London.

…and my personal favourite, of Canadian inspiration in honour of Jack Layton & the New Democrats:

Obviously it’s only the last poster whose colour deliberately corresponds to the NDP. But thinking about the three major Canadian political parties and their respective colours, I was more than a bit amused at what each poster asks us to do. There’s definitely something to the politic behind each call-to-action or inaction. What do you think?

[edit: H/T to Matt Campbell for finding the orange one for me. I saw it crop up on folks’ facebook & twitter profiles in tribute to Layton after his passing, but I had a hard time finding it recently. If you know the origin, do let me know!]